To shine a beacon of Christ’s light in the darkest corner of the world by magnifying the critical role of the natural law in our justice and legal operations.
All Continuing Legal Education courses sponsored by the Center for Criminal Justice, Law & Ethics teach justice professionals to apply the wisdom of natural law reasoning and the Catholic moral tradition in their practice. Presenters are high-profile practitioners concerned about the legal system’s current moral state and convinced of the critical role of the natural law in legal operations. Topics cover a comprehensive range of questions and highlight the correlation of the natural law to day-to-day operations. All courses include General hours, some also provide hard to find Ethics/Professional Conduct Hours. Programs explore topics such as:
- Leading by Virtue, Lawyers and Judges in the Courtroom of Cicero
- The Legal Theory of Aquinas
- The Thomist Concept of an Unjust Law
- Law as a Spiritual Vocation
- The interplay of law, ethics and religion
Also offered are topics central to high-profile areas of the legal field such as:
- Creating Use of Force Policies
- Counter-terrorism
- Human Trafficking
- Legal and Ethical Aspect of Healthcare
- War Crimes